25th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mt 18:21-35
September 17, 2023

When I left parish ministry and moved into my own home, some friends surprised me with a great big houseplant. It was in such a large pot that three people were needed to carry it out of the van and into my house. We put it in the window that gets the most sun, and my friends explained how often and how much water the plant needs. It was a terrific housewarming gift.

As I said, we put the plant in the sunniest window of the house. The problem was that other than to water and care for the plant, I rarely use that room. As a result, there have been times that I have forgotten my duties. When I eventually remember to check on it, the poor plant is literally collapsed, dropping over the side of its container.

The first time this happened, I was really upset. I was certain that the plant was dead. But I decided to see what would happen if I were to give it what it needs to live…WATER! A day later, the plant was as healthy as ever. IT FORGAVE ME!

Actually, our Creator has designed the entire universe to be FORGIVING.

If it hasn’t already begun, eventually, the hills surrounding Lahina, Maui, will spring back to life, and the black char left from the fires will return to brilliant green. The same thing will happen in the Canadian and California forests.

Remember how FORGIVING the ozone layer was, literally healing during the pandemic, when the world stood still and allowed it the time it needed to FORGIVE. Sadly, we began to assault it again. Our skin FORGIVES and heals after a minor cut or burn so quickly that we almost forget how we were injured.

There are countless examples of nature recovering and returning to life after some life-threatening blow. That was God’s design…that when injured or afflicted, the universe should FORGIVE AND HEAL, in many cases, literally erasing evidence of the hurt.

Jesus gave voice to this universal healing inclination from The Cross, when He prayed:


We human beings might be most in need of FORGIVENESS from God when we act against this natural inclination to FORGIVE AND HEAL. If we allow ourselves to be frozen in the past, obsessed with some offense…our spirits and our emotions poisoned by anger and desire for revenge, we can’t return to life as we knew it before we were injured.

When we do not allow ourselves to FORGIVE, we miss the opportunity for something new to happen. Failure to forgive prevents a return of life.

Maybe one way of thinking about our Reading this weekend is this: Hanging onto anger and resentment is unnatural and contrary to the laws of nature…and THE LAW OF GOD!

A FINAL THOUGHT: As the U.S. marked another anniversary of the terrorist attack on our nation, I am reminded of a comment I recall, although I have forgotten the source.

After 9/11, almost the entire world was “on our side.” Tragically, rather than focus on HEALING and the power of FORGIVENESS, all our attention was focused on anger and revenge. As we began to aggressively avenge our horrific injury, we lost much of the sympathy and support from other countries.

We also lost the opportunity to show the rest of the world how the universe as well as the Gospel tells us to respond to injuries inflicted by others. The best “self-defense” against further injury is the determination to HEAL…and the path to healing involves FORGIVENESS!