The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
Mt 25:31-46
November 26, 2023

Knowing that Thanksgiving was just around the corner, I did not stay for “coffee and donuts” provided at the parish where I celebrated Mass this past Sunday. (Although the kind hostess sent me off with a “care package,” and in the end, I had the calories without the fellowship!) So, I was one of the first out the door and into the church parking lot.

I immediately saw that every vehicle had a large, white flyer tucked underneath the windshield wipers. I just assumed it was some sort of advertisement and tossed it into the car and headed home (to eat the donuts in the “care package” with my morning coffee.) It was then that, almost thoughtlessly, I opened and examined the 11×17 inch card stock that was waiting for me after Mass.

What I encountered can best be described as a “collage of sin.” Someone had meticulously cut and arranged together quite a few headlines and images that were clipped from newspapers and magazines, each speaking to some situation or event that makes the times we live in so filled with stress, uncertainty, and even danger. Actually, there were many more things that were not mentioned…the most recent mass shooting, Gaza, the climate crisis…the culture of lies…and the division and mistrust that is so prevalent these days.

Someone had gone to the expense of reproducing this little poster of gloom and doom…and then made the effort to place their work on every car in a church parking lot. I can only guess at what motivated this anonymous individual to do all this. Maybe they intended a warning to Christians to be wary of any one, or anything, that might draw us into darkness and out of The Light of Christ. Possibly, they meant to encourage us to BE PREPARED to resist those things that are contrary to our Baptismal dignity. Whatever their purpose, it occurred to me that the creator of this “apocalyptic collage” harbors feelings of fear and possibly even hopelessness in the face of so much undeniable evil.

In fact, the flyer was very much in keeping with the Readings we proclaim at Mass during the final weeks of every liturgical year. As we look forward to Advent and Christmas, The Liturgy of the Word serves to remind us that THE KINGDOM OF GOD HAS NOT YET FULLY BLOSSOMED. However, through Jesus, it has already dawned, and we are called to help announce and live it here and now.

What is most important to remember is that no matter how much darkness a “collage of sin” might contain, it will never withstand THE POWER OF CHRIST! And so, we conclude Ordinary Time with THE SOLEMNITY OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE. The message behind this Feast is crystal clear: God is in control.

And when at last The Reign of God is upon us in its fullness, there will be no more darkness, or evil, or lies, or division. All that will remain is the Peace of Christ, the Love of God, and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit.

The Opening Prayer of this Feast is something worthy of further reflection.

Almighty ever-living God,
whose will is to restore all things
in your beloved Son, the King of the universe,
grant, we pray, that the whole creation, set free from slavery,
may render your majesty service
and ceaselessly proclaim your praise.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the
Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever.

And so, we move forward into a new year, resisting all fear, and facing the challenges ahead, with hope in the power of Christ our King.