Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mt 10:26-33
June 25, 2023

In a document entitled, “The Legacy of The Declaration of Independence,” Thomas Jefferson wrote:

“The principles outlined in the Declaration of Independence promised to lead America—and other nations on the globe—into a new era of freedom. The revolution begun by Americans on July 4, 1776, would never end. It would inspire all peoples living under the burden of oppression and ignorance to open their eyes to the rights of mankind, to overturn the power of tyrants, and to declare the triumph of equality over inequality.”

These inspiring words are said to capture the so-called “Spirit of ’76,” the popular sentiment that sparked The American Revolution.

It’s anyone’s guess how much of an influence the teaching of Jesus Christ played on Jefferson as he sat down to compose these very lofty thoughts. But all Christians should easily see how The Spirit of The Gospel…The Spirit of the Good News is echoed in these ideals that were and continue to be part of “The Spirit of ‘76.”

The principles outlined in Matthew’s Gospel declare independence from all oppressive structures, institutions, authorities…or beliefs…which deprive humankind of the dignity with which our Creator called each and every life into existence.

The revolutionary movement which Jesus announced promised to lead Israel, and eventually every other nation on the globe into a new and radical era of freedom…an era that the Lord Himself called the Kingdom of God. Moreover, this struggle to ensure that all people…for all times…are included in the safety, security, and peace of the Reign of God…the struggle will not end but is ongoing…continuing until Christ returns in glory.

The Spirit of The Gospel…The Spirit of the Good News…should inspire those living under the burden of sin…to repent. Not so much in terms of shoveling on the guilt, pounding our chests, and wallowing in regret, although taking responsibility for our past actions is certainly part of it. Rather, Jesus seems to be calling for REPENTANCE in the sense of changing our minds. Changing the way, we see the world. Changing the direction of our lives and to follow THE WAY, demand and offer THE TRUTH, and to live THE LIFE…The Life of Christ.

The Spirit of The Gospel…The Spirit of the Good News…ignites within the human heart the desire to LIVE JESUS in a new, radical, and revolutionary way.

In order to enjoy such a total and complete conversion, we must open our eyes to the God-given rights of all humankind. Those who live in The Spirit of The Gospel recognize the unique value in every other human being. Those who live in The Spirit of the Good News join the fight to overturn the power of tyrants, especially the tyrants that take refuge within our OWN minds and our hearts… tyrants such as arrogance, greed, unbridled ambition, hatred, violence, the desire for revenge and bigotry. To experience the Reign of God is to commit to and to declare the triumph of equality over inequality.

In recent years, we’ve repeatedly heard the dire warning that our democracy is “at risk.” It would be unwise to ignore or challenge this possibility. At the very beginning of our Republic, Thomas Jefferson cautioned that the revolution begun by Americans on July 4, 1776, will never end.

As we celebrate Independence Day, it is more important than ever to recommit to the true “Spirit of ’76,” which was inspired by and embodied in the Spirit of The Gospel. The best way to protect our freedom and liberty is to LIVE JESUS!