Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mt 13:44-52
July 30, 2023

Completing the seven parables that He used to teach them about The Kingdom of Heaven, Jesus asked His disciples: Do you understand all these things? And, of course, they answered, Yes!

The Lord then turned to an attorney in the crowd and inquired: Are you sure? The attorney replied: Well, actually, Lord, as far as the buried treasure, I do have a few concerns about ownership and property rights.

Then Jesus looked over at a financial planner who had been listening, and asked: How about you? He said in reply: I have to admit that I’m a little uncomfortable with the investment strategy. That pearl may or may not hold its market value. I don’t think it’s a wise decision to invest all of your assets into one thing.

Finally, Jesus asked an insurance agent who was standing by: Do you have any thoughts about this? Immediately, the insurance agent said: Lord, I can’t give an opinion until there has been a complete inventory of the treasure and the pearl has been sent to a reputable jeweler for an appraisal. There is no doubt, however, that it should all be insured against fire, theft, or loss.

It does not seem that the primary purpose of these seven little stories that we have heard proclaimed over these past two Sundays is to make non-believers into converts. If you read Matthew 13 from start to finish in one sitting, it becomes clear that, although a crowd was listening in, Jesus’s intended audience was His Apostles. Think about it.

The Lord didn’t stop with one story but went on to offer seven parables. He gave private explanations to His chosen followers out of earshot of the onlookers. He concluded by point-blank asking them: Do you understand all these things? In other words: This is all very important. It’s critical that you “get it.” So, if you have any questions, ask them now.

The Lord felt the urgent need for the members of His inner circle to fully understand the purpose of His earthly mission…a mission in which they were called to participate…the mission and ministry of announcing The Kingdom of Heaven.

In order to fully appreciate and to be properly equipped for the work ahead of them, they needed much more than the wisdom of attorneys, or financial planners, or insurance agents. Like Solomon in our First Reading, to be successful in the work of evangelization…the work of conversion…the work of sharing the Good News, the Apostles would require: understanding hearts…wise and understanding hearts.

That kind of spiritual wisdom enables people of faith to rise above the material world and to see and hear and embrace what God is revealing to us through Jesus Christ. Jesus came to announce that The Kingdom is ALREADY HERE…but NOT YET in its fullness. The Reign of God will prevail in the material world when Christ returns in Glory.

IN THE MEANTIME, the Kingdom is made a spiritual reality through good and faithful disciples who commit themselves totally to hearing, accepting unconditionally, and then doing God’s will.

There is no question of ownership. It belongs to all who desire it, seek it, and recognize it once they have found it. The value is beyond estimate or appraisal. The dividends are eternal life. Once fully invested, there is no need for insurance because the spiritual reality is guaranteed by our Creator’s promise: To those who have…more will be given. There is no risk of fire, theft, or loss once The Kingdom has taken root in a disciple’s mind and heart.

Do you understand all these things?

Don’t be overly concerned if you have some lingering questions. This is a lot to wrap one’s mind around. So, ask God for the gift that Solomon asked for…an understanding heart that enables you to say…THY KINGDOM COME…THY WILL BE DONE…NOT MINE!