Is 60:1-6
Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6
Mt 2:1-12

Pregnant Dreams
I am one of those people who have dreams that are very vivid. I can tell you about dreams that I had years ago. Sometimes my dreams seem to be picking up on things that are about to happen. Other dreams tell me about things that are currently happening that I would not know otherwise. For the most part I live primarily with vivid dreams.

My siblings and friends who know me well ask me not to tell them if I dream about them. I know they mean it in “a nice way.” However, sometimes regardless of this request I call them up just to check out if a recent dream has manifested itself. When I think about the dreams which happen in the gospel for January 7th, I think, “Thank God I don’t get dreams like that!”

However, sometimes I wonder if I miss clues about the call of God in my life by going to sleep with my editor on. We talk about night dreams, but what about the day dreams that come to us through inspiration? How often might God be coming to us in the inspiration created by snow falling, a beautiful sunrise or sunset?

As this new year falls into place and we begin to write with greater ease the year 2007, might we shift our energies towards the dreams. Let us dare to be more open to dreams that guide us by new stars and lead us to different places of hope, than back to the safe and already charted routes.