Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mk 1:29-39
February 4, 2024

The name J. Robert Oppenheimer made a sudden jump from the pages of the history books to the “silver screen.” The movie, titled with the surname of the American scientist whose work in developing the atom bomb is credited with bringing a speedy end to WWII, deals with the concern for national security and the need for secrecy. It is also about power…certainly military…but also political power.

Scripture scholars and theologians, not unlike scientists, as we see in the Oppenheimer movie, do not always agree with one another’s theories. Still, through respectful and sincere dialogue and exchange of ideas, significant insights and advances are made possible in both areas…FAITH AND SCIENCE. One thing that recurs throughout Mark’s Gospel, which inspires ongoing debate among theologians, is referred to as “The Messianic Secret.” Throughout Mark’s Gospel, after some miraculous deed, The Lord frequently admonishes people: “Tell no one!”

Last week, we heard how a man with “unclean spirits” called out to The Lord: I know who you are-the Holy One of God! To which Jesus simply replied: QUIET! This week, we are told how The Lord stood at the door of the house and faced all of the pains and sorrows and miseries of the entire village…responding with compassion and miracles. Obviously, His powers were on full display. However, it is also reported that on that evening, He drove out many demons, not permitting them to speak because they knew Him!

Jesus did nothing to conceal His compassionate response to the sick and suffering. The miracles were done in the open and news of them spread like wildfire. But, in some cases…especially exorcisms…The Lord commanded secrecy. Why? That is the core of what is referred to as the “Messianic Secret.”

It is easy to understand why secrets about atomic energy were, and, I assume, continue to be guarded and protected. It is all about having and protecting control and power. Whoever has the secrets and the power is in control.

There is nothing more powerful than The Word of God! And God’s Word is intended to benefit all people for all times. So then, why would Jesus forbid some to speak out about The Good News?
Possibly because those who were wrestling with unclean spirits might well have recognized Who Jesus was but did not understand why Jesus…God’s infinitely powerful Word made Flesh…was sent into this world. Liberated from what made them unclean, for whatever reason, maybe they were just not ready to give witness.

Through Baptism, Christians are liberated from that which makes us “unclean.” And, as we mature in our faith and are formed in the ways of discipleship, we (hopefully) come to a deeper understanding and appreciation for Who Jesus was…and…Why Jesus came into this world as one like us…in all things but sin. With this knowledge and a mature understanding of The Power of God’s Word made Flesh, we are better able to live here and now, as we will when Christ returns to announce the Kingdom of God in its fullness. The Kingdom is all about unity and peace!

In our Second Reading, St. Paul describes the burning desire to share all of this Good News. As disciples, we should be eager to, always and everywhere, proclaim the Gospel. What Paul does not mention in this passage is that not everyone has the maturity of faith to speak. The “unclean spirits” of ignorance and immaturity can cause some to distort the message of the Gospel. The “demons” of arrogance and pride can cause others to use the power of The Gospel to promote some agenda which might conflict with what God intends for humankind.

So then, is it possible that the so called “Messianic Secret” is needed to protect “spiritual security?”

Did Jesus silence some voices, which…for any reason…might have used the power of God’s Word for any purpose that, in any way, undermines PEACE, HEALING, FORGIVENESS, JUSTICE, UNITY, and above all, LOVE?

That is certainly a question which Biblical scholars will continue to discuss. But, as for us, be certain of this: Jesus was the Messiah, The Son of God, Who was sent into this world by The Father to call all humankind to live together in LOVE! There is nothing secret about that. What is critical to “spiritual security” is this: Any distortion of that message is not of the Spirit of Truth…The Holy Spirit! And to anyone who speaks in any way contrary to the Law of Love, the Christian response is simply this: QUIET!