Third Sunday of Advent
Jn 1:6-8, 19-28
December 17, 2023

We have arrived at this Third Sunday of Advent…often referred to as “REJOICE SUNDAY.” The Scriptures proclaimed today each express what every Christian should be experiencing as we await the celebration of Our Savior’s Birth: JOY!

Still, as I reflect on these JOYFUL and HOPE-FILLED passages, I can’t help but wonder what I would say to the folks in the pews if I were preaching in Ukraine, or to a community of Palestinian Christians in The Holy Land. Actually, how can any preacher anywhere encourage people to REJOICE! during these violent and divisive times? To be perfectly honest, for me anyway, it has been a struggle to find the right words and I don’t live in a war zone.

And then, St. Paul hit me upside the head with one little sentence in his Letter to the Thessalonians: DO NOT QUENCH THE SPIRIT!

The word “quench” has two meanings which seem to be somewhat contradictory. One can speak of “quenching” a thirst or desire. Clearly, St. Paul is not telling us that we should not satisfy The Holy Spirit, which means that he is cautioning us not to extinguish, suppress, or in any way stifle the Holy Spirit.

It is the desire of the Holy Spirit that humankind should live in PEACE and JOY. That desire is UNQUENCHABLE, regardless of who, or what, may attempt to stifle it. So, Gaudete Sunday brings a very important message to Ukraine, The Holy Land, and to anywhere else in the world where injustice, hatred, and division exists. Do not lose HOPE! Darkness will not prevail.

The Light of Christ broke into this world with the birth of Jesus. That Light remains burning brightly through the power and presence of the Holy Spirit, and that Light will defeat all darkness with The Lord’s Second Advent…Christ’s return in Glory.

Meanwhile, people can look up into the sky at approaching drones and rockets and bombs and shout with confidence: YOU CANNOT QUENCH THE HOLY SPIRIT! Hostages can say to their captors: YOU CANNOT IMPRISON ME BECAUSE THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD HAS SET ME FREE! All people of Good will are able to stare down death itself, assured that The Spirit dwells within them…and THE HOLY SPIRIT IS UNQUENCHABLE!

So, what should a preacher say to the people in the pews…regardless of where they might be? DO NOT QUENCH THE SPIRIT…AND YOU WILL FIND JOY!