Resolutely Determined

I read your your most recent newsletter and it went straight to my heart due to the fact that I am presently going through the same heartbreaking circumstances as you are. My younger sister died with pancreatic cancer in April of this year and two weeks ago my youngest sister was diagnosed with breast cancer. My father-in-law was put on hospice this past week. We all, eveXryone need to be treated with love, tenderness and the kindness you speak of in your newsletter. Thank you so much for your love, kindness and attention given to this fact. Please keep me and your family in your prayers. God bless
Thank you for sending this. It was very inspirational to me. It must be hard not having your sisters with you. Every meal bears witness to the change. We are living in a world of great change right now. It is more important than ever to focus on Christ and our responsibility to the world. So often we just want to basque in His gifts to us.
Your sharing was very moving to me. Life really is a testing experience, even for those of us who have so little to suffer. It amazes me how greatly I can suffer over almost NOTHING…. But our Good God is determined to create (excavate!) space one way of another in the soul made for infinite Love!
You are all precious to me, and I pray for your deepening trust in Providence. Au Courage!!!!
The whole newsletter struck a chord with me, but one particular sentence resonated with me. You said “we experience the constant ache that someone is missing” from our lives. We too feel that ache as our son goes through a very difficult divorce. He has limited access to his daughter and thus do we, to our granddaughter. As this issue and others comes before a Judge, we ask especially for your prayers. Thank you for the ongoing support and love you provide in our lives.
M Diane
I want to thank you for this beautiful reflection on staying resolutely focused on Jesus and the Kingdom of God in our lives. Your sharing about the pain you feel in having to decide on your sisters living with assistance in another place, with faith and trust in God throughout all of this, was beautiful and very meaningful.