Fifth Sunday of Easter
Jn 14:1-12
May 7, 2023

Families with “troubled hearts” come to their parish to prepare the liturgy celebrating a loved one who has died. As they hear and consider the various Scripture passages the Church suggests as appropriate for a funeral liturgy, John 14:1-12 seems to strike a special note with many grieving families. They often respond with a nod…sometimes even with a slight smile, when they hear The Lord’s promise: I will come back again and take you to myself. And so, this passage is frequently heard at funerals because it certainly has a comforting message.

However, at the time that Jesus made the promises and offered the assurances found in John 14, He wasn’t involved in planning a funeral. The Lord was preparing The Apostles and disciples to continue His mission and ministry in this world after His return to heaven. So, it seems wise not to reserve this passage for those times when we are forced to deal with death. What we have here is also The Lord’s plan for how we can face life…here and now…with all its hardships and challenges…and face it without “troubled hearts.”

Fully aware of the common human response to confusion, uncertainty, and adversity, The Lord explains that HIS WAY is the perfect WAY to deal with “troubled hearts.”

The image of a single house with many dwelling places is a good starting point to reflect on THE WAY. The Gospel calls us to come together…joining in mind and spirit…rather than to turning our backs on one another and going in separate directions. THE WAY is communion…sharing and exchanging…with God as our Center.

And THE TRUTH is that the most perfect communion of human minds and hearts is Holy Communion. When we come together and join our minds and spirits…proclaiming The Word and sharing the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ…we are at our very best. The Church teaches that Eucharist is both the source and the summit of our faith. It is also a perfect remedy for “troubled hearts.” Eucharist is spiritual and emotional medicine that helps us deal with “troubled hearts.” Eucharist restores joy to our lives.

But even more than making this life bearable, Holy Communion is the nourishment that promises us eternal life in The Father’s house where there are many dwelling places. When we come together and do as Jesus commanded us to do, we enjoy the healing and forgiveness which He so generously lavished on believers when He was physically present. Cleansed and healed, we are better prepared to face our merciful and loving Judge when our time in this world comes to an end.

And the miracle goes on.

The graces the Sacrament brings have the lasting effect of “ongoing protection” against the temptations to turn away from the Light…to wander alone into darkness. Like gravity holds us fast to the earth, through the power of the Holy Spirit, Eucharist keeps us secure in the Divine Life…more pleasing to the Creator…easily recognized as an image of Christ.

We are living through an epidemic of “troubled hearts.” The violence, the confusion, and uncertainty, the division that we face daily threatens the joy of our hearts. The Lord urges us to protect ourselves…not by isolating ourselves…not by closing ourselves off from the rest of the world…but by going out and continuing His mission and ministry.

Coming together in peace and harmony to hear the Eternal Word proclaimed and share in the saving banquet is THE WAY disciples celebrate the TRUTH and live THE LIFE… here and now…preparing us for the ETERNAL LIFE that awaits believers.