The Epiphany of the Lord
Mt 2:1-12
January 8, 2023

Today’s Gospel is the story of star power versus STAR POWER.

Thanks to modern communications, there is an entire galaxy of stars out there, desperately hoping to attract attention to themselves. These stars are called actors, pop singers, or athletes…and then, of course, there are politicians and corporate executives. Places, things, and even feelings and emotions also have star power. Think about anger, revenge, bigotry, envy…these are just a few of the feelings that can draw a person in and hold them in orbit!

Regardless of their place in the cultural universe, these stars have this much in common: Each has some quality, characteristic, or talent which makes them shine. Dazzled by their light, star gazers are strongly influenced by them, revolving around them like Earth revolves around the Sun.

These stars have something else in common with one another. They are constantly searching for ways to increase their power and influence over their admirers. Also, they jealously guard their power.

The star gazers have something in common with one another as well. They pay a great price when they are drawn into the orbit of a star. All too often fans are so overwhelmed by star power that they sacrifice their own identity…even to the point of losing their free will.

Consider the brilliant people in Jerusalem whom Herod consulted. They appear to have been just as smart as the three foreign visitors…but it would seem they were not as “wise.” They were trapped in a toxic relationship with the person their very lives revolved around. It appears that, for whatever reason, probably fear, they could not break free of Herod.

The Three Magi, on the other hand, were not drawn into the orbit of the evil king. After a very brief encounter with the dark forces at work in Jerusalem, the three searchers resumed their journey. Empowered by the brilliant STAR that had led them so close to Bethlehem, they did not fall victim to the power that appears to have imprisoned their colleagues who remained in Herod’s service.

The Three Wise searchers from the East did not permit Herod to take control over them. They trusted in THE STAR from heaven, and, as a result, found what they were searching for: The newborn King of the Jews. What they could only study about in their homeland they were rewarded with a first-hand experience of in the most unlikely of places…a manger.

After their visit with the Christ-child, they ignored Herod’s orders to return and report. Instead, they returned home, avoiding a further encounter with the treachery of the evil ruler.

So, as we continue our celebration of God’s Eternal Word made Flesh, it would be a wise thing for each of us to take a moment and ask ourselves whether we have been overpowered by some star…or are we determined to be guided only by THE STAR…THE LIGHT OF CHRIST!

Choose wisely…THE STAR has THE POWER…to lead you to Eternal Light and life…while the star gives Herod way too much power and control.