I am on vacation these days…today is the Sabbath. The time set aside to rest, to pause, to be aware of the bigness of God. Usually, it is a day filled with church in the morning, writing and doing a gazillion things that I haven’t completed on my weekend list. I must admit that my Sundays often skid far from the center of anything that looks like Sabbath.

As I continue to lean into the beauty of not being in my regular, “I am so busy,” mode…I realize that it is so easy to fill space with tourist activities…missing the opportunity to choose actions and being that fill the soul and guard the spirit.

If God who created the universe, cared for the specifics of breathing into all that is, took time to rest…to be in the present moment…who am I to be too busy? So today I seek to be in time and allow the fertile time of Lent to anoint my soul with the seeds of spaciousness and Sabbath breath.