Who Do You Say that I Am?
The gospels the last couple of weeks remind me of Jesus’ question, “And who do you say that I am?” This lent I have been challenged by that question. I am living in a time of major transitions. I hope to be changing where I live geographically and that in turn will put me in a new job.

All the pieces are not quite clear yet. I am doing all of the normal things that people do to build bridges to desired change. I am sending out resumes, I am putting my house on the market, I am making lists and checking them at least twice…and sometimes I even let myself glimpse the impact of the changes.

In my mind, I am doing these things well…from the vantage point of others I am skimming dailiness by making every event in my life a point on a linear calendar. And Jesus says to me “MC, in the midst of that change, who do you say that I am?” I find myself screaming, you are the one I am praying to so everything comes together and works…you are the one who sees the bigger picture…but down deep, I wonder…who do I say that he is?

Am I the one born blind from birth, afraid to really trust an unseen path in front of me, but so wanting the sight that I dare to ask, “Who are you Jesus Christ?” Am I the one mourning for four days over the death of my love one…the loss of the known future?

YES and Yes and yes! Yes, I am the one who needs to hear and feel more than once that my lack of sight can be transformed by God’s love that is bigger than my imagination. Yes, I am the one who needs to know that the changes in my life are creating the path, a path chosen through prayer and listening. And finally, yes I am the one being called by Christ to let go of my known ways of being, the comfort of a familiar cocoon, to emerge with new ways of breathing life!
With your grace ‘Oh Holy Vision,’ with your light ‘Oh Path Creator,’ and through your voice ‘Oh Healing Breathe,’ I call you the Christ!