Changing the balance of love

My dear Sisters,
I needed this!!! At Christmas during the penance service a visiting priest suggested contemplative prayer to me, he said “I think you are ready for this”. Not quite as easy as 4 Hail Marys, I’ll tell you that! But I read, researched and I tried. Fast-forward a few months when found myself strongly drawn to our local Carmelite Secular community and I’m sure you can guess the first bit of direction I received after inquiring was “try this” . Sisters, some days it comes with ease and some days I catch myself saying “Come on Susan….your mind is a blank slate. Blank slate, blank slate, have my ears always rang?”. You get the idea. This piece is so helpful. I needed this!!! Keep this wonderful, helpful information flowing…this one was just what I needed!! (And a little prayer that those of us who strive to reach this beautiful level of prayer achieve it would be appreciated)