Fifth Sunday of Lent
Jn 8:1-11
April 3, 2022

If you happened to watch any of the confirmation hearings for the most recent nominee to the United States Supreme Court…or read summaries of the “highlights” and weren’t left at least a little disappointed or unnerved, maybe shocked or even embarrassed, it might be wise to spend a bit more time with this Sunday’s Gospel passage, commonly referred to as “The woman caught in adultery.”

The tone and demeanor of many of those doing the questioning followed the pattern of the last three confirmation hearings: “accusatory” and “adversarial.” In theory, the exercise is meant to ensure that the most qualified candidate is called to serve our country. In practice, the process seems to have become something of a “witch hunt.” Foregoing honest and relevant inquiry, the examiners perform like self-righteous prosecutors…even executioners…stones at the ready.

Also troubling is the way this hostile approach to a task of such great consequence demonstrates the lack of capacity for people in power to communicate with one another…even as they JUDGE one another. When this happens, the common good suffers.

This rush to judge, condemn, and crucify appears to be of epidemic proportion. It seems more and more difficult to have a civil discussion…without judgement and condemnation…within families, neighborhoods, workplaces, even faith communities. We stay close to the rock pile of our own beliefs and ideas…so that we are in easy reach of a stone to hurl.

Do you disagree?

Seriously, don’t you find that there is a whole lot of stone-throwing going on? Such behavior is not consistent with the Gospel.

The takeaway from this passage is so obvious and simple.

Put down the stone…and take a knee! In other words, stop judging and condemning. Put down the stone…Go and sin no more!